How is a Schnauzer like a bunny rabbit? ... sounds kinda like, "How is a raven like a writing desk?" doesn't it?
I have recently decided I am interested in having a pet bunny. By interested I mean the little girl inside of me is whining "I wanna bunnnny!" So today I decided that after work I would go to the pet store and look at one, maybe ask a few questions about what it is like to own one. It would be a more difficult task that I had anticipated.
In the first store, they had no bunnies, but I decided to ask a few questions anyways seeing the girls in the store were going to follow me around like a criminal. I asked whether bunnies shed a lot. Well, this girl made it sound like everything I own would be coated in bunny hair and that I would be better off owning a Schnauzer or a hedgehog. What I'd like to know is, how does my interest in a bunny equate my being interested in a dog? Bunny. Dog. BIG difference. So I looked around a bit with the pet store bouncers at my side. Let me just say, $1300 for a Pug is crazy. What happened to getting a free puppy from your neighbour?
Back to bunnies... I went around to a total of 4 pet stores only to discover that it is very unlikely that I will find a bunny in the city of Vernon. Apparently, Vernon has recently passed a by-law requiring all pet stores to spay or neuter all rabbits before selling them. It might have something to do with the plethora of bunnies running all around the town a few years back multiplying like well, rabbits. From the sounds of things if I am lucky enough to find a pet store that is actually selling a bunny I can look forward to paying $200 as that is what it costs to fix a bunny.
I might have to resort to trapping one in Kelowna, I hear there are still some lingering around the bus depot. That is if this girlish whim doesn't pass by tomorrow.
PS: In the last pet shop I was in, AJs pets, they have 4 cats that they just let roam around the store, and I stopped to pet one that was on a cat post right inside the door and he didn't stir. I thought, wow, deep sleeper, then moseyed on into the store and continued about my business. On my way out, I was curious so I stopped to pet the cat again. No movement. So I poked him. Nothing. I nudged him a little harder and still, he was motionless. I started to wiggle him back and forth a bit. I felt kind of silly so I kept going out the door. Now it is really bothering me. I should have looked to see if his breathing was raising his belly up and down. Maybe he was just a really deep sleeper. Maybe rigor mortis had set in. I think I will go back tomorrow to check in on the little guy...